after driving for days and traveling 4,000 miles (not to mention this being my 3rd trip to Canada in the last several years)..the Canadian boarder patrol denied me entry into Canada and infact threatened to arrest me and prosecute me for something that happened 16 yrs ago (saying I would be subject to 10 yrs in jail there). On top of this they fined me 200 bucks for possessing a stun gun. Well needless to say after I got back to the American side...I immediately canceled the 200 debit to my card and am now hiding up here in Yellowstone with my native American brothers..trying to out run the pony soldiers...this wasparticularly disturbing...after the powers that be had tried to shanhai me" in Iowa..put boards on my feet and go in circles in the corn fields...making crop circles...I had to try and get word to my buddy in Ore..that I now knew the differece between schucking the corn...and chucking the corn. It doesn't matter any more any how...because all the corn is being turned into ethanol. Gas was only 2.87 a gallon..talk about a reprieve...