Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Fast-forward to present day...


We are facing the same stark contrast as the previous episode of Who Want's to Burn the country to the ground...

The loss was devastating...


But not all was doom and gloom...guardian angels secured the well being and fortitude needed to accept circumstance and effects...

Friday, October 21, 2022

Modern day traitor...


Trump took all those documents in an effort to possibly have to buy his way into Russia, once we found out what the January 6th insurrection riots and treasonous overthrow of the government was all about...

Thursday, February 17, 2022



An American Tragedy

The plan:

     The plan was simple enough, install a puppet leader in the most powerful country on earth.  They
had it coming after all, spreading influence around the globe garnering market share with every giant 
leap taken towards globalism.  The dictators, despots and ultimate rulers of the world had had enough
and the prize was ripe for the taking.  Their plan, install a clueless game show host who would diminish the credibility of the government by leading a revolt against the very essence of what the great nation was created on...leadership by the people, for the people and of the people.  A strikingly simple plan, one that would have the full support of simple minds geared towards nationalism, xenophobia and religious zealotry.  People who would pledge blind allegiance to a proficient liar, thief and con man, who would be too inept to see his own complicity in the downfall of a nation.

The setup:

     Early in the year 2015, the last year that would be hosted by the clueless host, the plan was initiated.  Coming off a successful decade of programs that established his facade of leadership, the stage was set. The host became the candidate and the process begun.  Install the host as a puppet that would be so pliable and manageable as to be one of their own.

The puppet:

     Donald trump had been a long time coming to world of politics.  With his father's wealth and acumen in deceit and obfuscation Trump learned how to manage and manipulate the system to achieve his goals.  To play the business man and convince others to finance his dreams of power and domination.  He had ingratiated himself with the people who knew how the system worked, like Rudy Giuliani, who had dealt with crime lords his whole life and could teach Trump how to act like one. Actual crime bosses would teach him how to break out businesses and shift their wealth to him, hide that wealth under layers of bureaucracy and manage it's growth to the fullest.  Gradually Trump would graduate from thug to partner, setting himself up for the ultimate prize, The United States of America, where he would be shielded from the constraints of prosecution. 

The execution:

     As the the season of apprentice aired during 2015, Trump was working with nefarious counterparts in foreign countries to subvert the election system.  As his campaign kicked off he compiled a list of passionate dog whistles that were guaranteed to enlist the throngs of right wing media,  conspiracy theorists and embittered nationalists that had formed after the previous administrations success in bringing the country back from the edge of collapse. These would include establishing that all the countries troubles emanated from the immigrant, that lowly individual who came here seeking a better life.  The immigrant who was coming to steal the jobs, lower the wages and destroy the conservative way of life.

     The election for president was an easy fix. The media would be easily manipulated into appearing incompetent because of their reliance on traditional methods of prognostication, polls. The Russians were experts in subverting the truth, leading the simple minded down the rabbit hole and then reaping the rewards.  It didn't take much, just a concerted effort of disinformation and deception playing on the fears of a certain segment of the population.  With the help of the GOP, they would discredit the opposition with lies and innuendos designed to hide their machinations.  And when the big day came, the plan worked flawlessly.  To everyone's surprise the favorite was miraculously defeated.  Everyone included the media were shown to be mistaken in their methods.  And the Puppet was installed.  

Everything is in place:

     With everything in place, the stage was set to begin the dismantling of the machine.  First things first.  Dismantle every progressive program that benefited the people in favor of corporate America. Give the money, hard fought for through years of diligent management to the wealthy to garner their allegiance and sprinkle a little bit to the lower classes as a symbol of you generosity.  This was how the mob boss worked and it was a successful tactic in this arena as well.  The plan to divide and conquer had begun and the enemies of the country were gleefully wringing their hands in anticipation  of the ultimate prize.

The final act:

      The Coup De GrĂ¢ce    would come in late winter and early spring.  While America was preparing to enjoy the continuing fruits of their labor, the death blow came.  First wave was a biological attack from China.  In the preceding months there had been signs that were conspicuously overlooked.  A mysterious Chinese intruder on the grounds of the presidents southern white house, the theft of biological materials by Chinese spies and the relaxing of relations between nefarious regimes, specifically North Korea and Russia.  Not coincidentally our reliance on money from Saudi Arabia for arms to continue the decades long conflicts in the middle east. 

     It's nothing to China to sacrifice the lives of it's people in the furtherance of it's goals, so when the attack started, it seemed plausible enough.  A mysterious new germ escapes the country after a short period of manifestation.  Only it had been raging long before that and the emissaries of the contagion had already been visited on the free democracies of the world.  Quickly the disease spread and the pandemic ensued.  As expected the leader of the free world would downplay the event because a pandemic wouldn't look good on his resume in the coming election.  Not until it was apparent, after other countries began to experience catastrophic losses did Trump acquiesce to more strident measures of containment but by then it was too late, the economy was in free-fall and the wealth of millions was evaporating uncontrollably. 

    Then it was time for phase two.  Saudi Arabia decides that it isn't getting a fair shake in trade negotiations with Russia so it floods the market with cheap oil, causing the oil markets to implode. This continues the decline in the U.S. to the point that the bleeding becomes uncontrollable. And the inevitable discontent and malaise forces Trump to begin totalitarian measures to regain command.


      The damage was severe, and nearly complete, but the American people persevered and were able to dis-entangle the web of lies and deceit that exemplified the Trump administration...the criminal tribunals will commence and hopefully this kind of catastrophe can be averted in the future...the nation depends on it...

Monday, March 16, 2020



Day one:

     Woke up from a trouble sleep, sciatica racking my leg...but I knew I couldn't let that hold me back from starting the day.  The usual din of traffic from the distant thoroughfare audible, a mere fraction of what it usually is at this hour, as the crush of commuters journey to their destinations.  A quick check of the social media shows that unity is still a theory, not yet reality.  The usual inanity prevails, but there is always hope.